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1 Comment

  1. Gary
    August 14, 2011 @ 6:26 PM

    I only came to know about you because a scammer using your pictures got in touch with me. She sent me very beautiful pictures of you. Your beautiful eyes, lovely smile and beauty swept me away. It was awhile before I found out I was not talking to you. That’s why I found out more about you. And my feelings did not change. I know we do not know each other. But I do care and have feelings for you. Because if you are as sweet and adorable in person as I think you are. Then you would be a wonderful person to know and have as my friend. I admire you Ashley. You are a smart, intelligent woman. And please don’t think I’m weird or something worse. I’m just a nice guy that fell for you. My 2 closest friends think I’m crazy for writing to you. But if I’m crazy for letting you know, that to me, you are a very special person. A one in a million, once in a life time to come along person. Then I’m crazy. I’m not sure if you will ever recieve this letter. But hopefully there is a kind person that will see that you do recieve this letter.